What we Believe:
God is the creator of the universe; our Heavenly Father.
JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins. He intercedes with God for us. It is only through faith in Jesus that man can be saved.
THE HOLY SPIRIT is the third person of the triune God who dwells in the person of believers. The Holy Spirit was sent as a comforter and serves as a guide in Christian living.
THE BIBLE AND ITS USE - The Bible is God's Holy Word given to the world and recorded by inspired believers. The Bible is used as a basis of our faith and instructs us on how to live the Christian Life.
BAPTISM is an outward symbol of a believer in following the example of Jesus for washing away the sinful past.
THE LORD'S SUPPER is partaken of by Christians in remembrance of Jesus. The bread is symbolic of the broken body, and the drink is symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ shed for our sins.
THE HUMAN CONDITION - All mankind is born into sin, since falling from the Grace of God. God, through Jesus Christ, provided a way of salvation.
THE PURPOSE, PLACE, AND MISSION OF THE CHURCH IN TODAY'S SOCIETY - The purpose of our church is to lovingly respond to Jesus Christ, to seek to know Him better and make Him Lord of our lives, and to minister to one another, our community, and the world.
THE ROLE OF THE LAITY is to set a Christian example, support the pastor, actively participate in the programs and ministries of the church, provide comfort and spiritual support to other members, and lead the unsaved to Christ.
ROLE OF THE MINISTER - The minister provides spiritual guidance and leadership to the church body. The minister is to inspire the laity to carry out God's will in the world through preaching, teaching, counseling, and leading the unsaved to Jesus.
OUR COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES/USA - The First Baptist Church of New Martinsville actively supports the ABC/USA's programs through prayer and mission giving.
OUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ECUMENICAL WITNESS - The First Baptist Church participates in activities of the Ministerial Association; inter-church programs and service, prayer, member involvement, and financially. We strive to improve cooperation between churches.